English translation below.
金川晋吾 Shingo Kanagawa
定価: 4,290円(税込)
ISBN 978-4-908955-35-8
・『GENIC』vol.73 Portrait Q&A特集 飯沢耕太郎おすすめ写真集に紹介。
・『文春WOMAN』最新号の大特集「パートナーは必要?」にインタビュー記事「百瀬文×金川晋吾×森山泰地×斎藤玲児 名付けられない4人で暮らす」が掲載。
・現在地のまなざし 日本の新進作家 vol.21(東京都写真美術館)
Shingo Kanagawa “A Bright Room”
“I try to seek out someone to be with, it is because there is a loneliness in me”
A documentary that describes the shared living of three, four people, with photographs and writings filled with light.
Fugensha will publish “A Bright Room,” the latest work by photographer Shingo Kanagawa, who has been questioning the unknowability of others. People who are related by blood, such as his father and aunt, in the work “father” and “for a While”.
This work is about Aya Momose(artist), Reiji Saito(artist), and himself living together, from 2019 to the present, along with 118 photographs and 25,000 words of writing.
The relationship, which began with one male-female relationship, gradually transformed over the course of living together. Kanagawa began living with others who were neither related by blood nor marriage, and was confronted with the difficulty searching for property, and the three different attitudes toward shared space, along with the division of household duties. Confusion and groping through exploring various aspects of being “living” and “sexuality”. The relationship further transformed with the joining of the fourth member, Taichi Moriyama in 2022.
The photographs taken over the period of five years in chronological order, and writings record the changes in Kanagawa's own appearance and thoughts, as he naturally deviated from the one-to-one sexual relationship and the socially imposed models of gender. As he interacted with people who respect their freedom as individuals.
This documentary, in which a new image of “family”, which is not based on sexually, is being constructed in an ongoing process, offers a bright hope for our contemporary life.
“I am opposed to the idea that “family is important” and “what is important is family,” the kind of values that divide family from non-family. But on the other hand, it is also a fact that I feel comfortable calling Momose and Reiji “family”. I think there is a direction in which, without necessarily disliking the word “family,” we can reinterpret its essence by using it in a slightly different way.”
“I try to seek out someone to be with, it is because there is a loneliness in me. The loneliness I am talking about here is a longing that compels me to ask someone else to receive what I feel or think, rather than just keeping it to myself.
(extracted from the writing)
■Artist Profile
Shingo Kanagawa
Born in Kyoto in 1981, Kanagawa graduated from the Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University in 2006, and completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Intermedia Art in 2015. In 2010, he received the 12th Jun Miki Award, and in 2018 received the Photo City Sagamihara Award for Newcomer Professionals. In 2024 he received the 40th Higashikawa Award for New Photographer Award. His books include “father” (Seigensha, 2016), “for a while” (Nanarui, 2023), and “Inakunatte-inai chichi(“My father, Still here”)” (Shobunsha, 2023). He is currently writing a series of articles for “Bungakukai”.
■Bibliographic Information
Shingo Kanagawa, “A Bright Room”
Published on October 5, 2024
Author:Shingo Kanagawa
Design: Seri Tanaka
Publisher: Fugensha
Size: A4 size (h230 x w200 mm)
Specifications: thread-stitched high quality binding, hollow back
Number of pages: 152
Number of photographs: 118
Price: 4,290 yen (tax included)
ISBN 978-4-908955-35-8