English translation below.
このたび、第23回三木淳賞受賞作である村上賀子『Known Unknown』をふげん社から刊行します。
《Known Unknown》のポートレートは、美術史において長らくモデルとして「見られる」存在であった女性が、顔を見せず、「見られる」ことを意識しない、ありのままの状態として写されているという点において、新時代のポートレートであると言えます。撮影者と被写体という一方的で非対称な関係ではなく、両者ともが現代社会に生きる女性であることで、二者の間にあるカメラが鏡のように作用し、肖像写真のあり方を、境界線の曖昧な、揺らぎのあるものにしています。
村上賀子 Iwauko Murakami
1986年、宮城県仙台市生まれ。2012年、武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科修士課程デザイン専攻写真コース修了。2022年、《Known Unknown》で第23回三木淳賞を受賞。
村上賀子『Known Unknown』
定価: 4,180円(税込)
ISBN 978-4-908955-34-1
・『GENIC』vol.73 Portrait Q&A特集 村上賀子インタビュー、飯沢耕太郎さんおすすめ写真集に紹介
・『CAPA』2024年12月号 新刊案内
Iwauko Murakami “Known Unknown”
Fugensha is pleased to announce the publication of “Known Unknown” by Iwauko Murakami, winner of the 23rd Jun Miki Award.
The photographs in the book were taken of women roughly in the same generation as the artist, at their homes, workplaces, and places where they could be in their natural state. In these photographs taken with a medium-format camera, the faces of the subjects are not visible, but the details of the space they are in and what they are wearing, are clearly captured.
The portraits in “Known Unknown” can be viewed as the portraits of the contemporary era, in that the women, who have long been “seen” as models in art history, are photographed as they are, without showing their faces or being conscious of being “seen”. The camera between them acts like a mirror, blurring the boundaries of portrait photography and making it a fluctuating form of portrait photography.
It may be that the viewer somehow feels a sense of intimacy with these women, whose faces are not visible. How will you interpret the portraits of these women in the face of the blurring of the boundaries between self and others and the uncertainty of existence that emerges when you look at the portraits?
For the photo book, we asked novelist Junko Takase to contribute her writing to the book. She has won the 167th Akutagawa Award in 2022 for her incisive depiction of human relationships and psychology in modern society in “May you eat delicious meals”.
“I still stare at the photographs, being unable to get rid of the sense of intimacy out of my heart. Now I feel I have once lived there. ”
(From “I / Your Boundary” by Junko Takase)
■Artist Profile
Iwauko Murakami
Born in 1986 in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Murakami graduated from Musashino Art University's Graduate School of Art and Design with a master's degree in photography in 2012, and received the 23rd Jun Miki Award in 2022 for work“Known Unknown”.
■Bibliographic Infromation
Iwauko Murakami“Known Unknown”
Author:Iwauko Murakami
Contribution: Junko Takase
Design: Yui Yamamoto
Publisher: Fugensha
Printing: Watanabe Art Printing Co., Ltd.
Size: B5 odd (w250 x h201 mm)
Specifications: Hollow-back binding with thread
Number of pages: 68
Number of photographs: 38
Price: 4,180 yen (tax included)
ISBN 978-4-908955-34-1